Audio & Video Resources


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ParticipACTION | Coach

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The Early Years, 24-hour Movement Guidelines 

24-hour Movement Guidelines, Children and Youth

24-hour Movement Guidelines for Adults: ages 18-64 

24-hour Movement Guidelines for Adults: ages 65+

The Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity Throughout Pregnancy 

Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults with Spinal Cord Injury

ParticipACTION - Exercise Videos


Osteoporosis Canada

Check out Osteoporosis Canada's videos on how to perform safe activities of daily living.


CBC's White Coat Black Art Podcast


Click picture to go to CBC to listen to podcast


Home | White Coat, Black Art with Dr. Brian Goldman | CBC Radio


Reframe Health Lab

Find more innovative and useful health media: DocMikeEvans and Reframe Health Lab



Refram Health Lab